Basic authentication

by Jon Erik Solheim - August 12 2016

Restdb Pages lets you create any content from your database and deliver it on a custom route. However, sensitive content must be protected. That's why we made it simple to include user authentication in any Page. All you have to do is to add the #auth tag to the Page source code.

Check out the demos:
Dedicated servers can even have their own SSL certificate for your domain.
The #auth tag instructs the server to require an authenticated user before serving the Page content. The example below shows how to protect a page with a simple username and password. 

{"password": "secret", "user": "jane"}

My sensitive content here ...

Hard coding a username and a password is ok for a quick-fix or ad-hoc needs. For a more scalable solution the users and the passwords should be managed in your database.

This example shows how to authenticate users against a database Collection called "myusers". This collection must contain fields for username and password.

The #context query uses the credentials object from the Page authentication to match a record from the database Collection, and the #auth tag matches the first record from this result to verify an user.

    "user": {
        "collection": "myusers",
        "query": {"username": "{{}}", "password": "{{credentials.pass}}"}

    "password": "{{user.0.password}}", "user": "{{user.0.username}}"
Top secret content here
This is how a web browser will present a Page with authentication:


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