by Knut Martin Tornes - July 25 2016 is a database-as-a-service, perfect for dynamic web content.
The core benefits of the service are:
- Super-fast development with intuitive UI
- Enables "relational" NoSQL database model with rich data types (HTML, images, files)
- automatically creates REST APIs and admin user interface
- Excel/CSV, JSON import and export
- Hosts websites and can serve any content type (HTML, JSON, XML, RSS, images/files etc)
- Realtime REST notifications and publish/subscribe API
- Access control
- ....
Use cases have users in more than 100 countries. Some common use cases are:
- dynamic web sites - CMS
- database-backed web forms
- business APIs
- Data collection (from IoT devices, browser plugins, server daemons)
- Data backend for web and mobile apps
- Simple CRM
- Business databases (orders, inventory, equipment)
- Dashboards
- Realtime information
- Feeds